Year: 2017 | Month: August | Volume 8 | Issue 2

Creativity and Module with and without Jerk Technology in Terms of Achievement of B.Ed Students

DOI:Coming soon...


The objective of this study is to find out the effect of treatment, creativity and their interaction on achievement in environment education by considering Pre. achievement in environment education as covariate. This study was experimental in nature and based on pre-test post-test parallel group design. There were two groups and two levels of treatment namely module with jerk technology and module without jerk technology. The sample for Study comprised of 60 student teachers (30 student teachers per group) of academic session of 2008-2009 of regular B.Ed. course of Government PGBT College, Ujjain. Study revealed that creativity significantly affected the achievement of students in Environmental Education. Higher creative students were found to be benefited significantly more than these of low creative students.

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