Year: 2013 | Month: December | Volume 4 | Issue 3
Linking Job Satisfaction and Stress: An Empirical Study on the Perception of Para-Teachers
The study was conducted to examine the relationship between stress and job satisfaction among Para-teacher belonging to government aided schools of West Bengal under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. 84 Parateachers (appointed as part-time or contractual teachers on certain terms and conditions which are different from the regular teachers) participated in the study and their responses were collected randomly. Quantitative research methodology with a cross-sectional survey design was appropriate. Data was collected by two close-ended questionnaires developed by the researchers. The relation between the two variables was further analyzed on the basis of gender (male and female), age group (below 30 years and above 30 years) and educational
qualification (With and without B.Ed.). By employing Pearson correlation method it was found that a negative correlation exists between stress and job satisfaction. The rate of stress increases when people were not satisfied with their job. The correlation and Fisher’s z results revealed that the male teachers and teachers who were highly qualified experienced more stress than that of female teachers and less qualified one’s respectively. However no significant correlation exists in terms of age group.
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