Year: 2013 | Month: December | Volume 4 | Issue 3

Development of Metacognitive Skills in Science Student-Teachers Through Constructivist Approach

DOI:Coming soon...


Metacognition and Constructivism is a related to each other because as we construct our knowledge at the same time we also develop awareness of construction of knowledge. Thus they are two side of the same coin. Researcher decided to study whether constructivist approach in particular 5 ‘E’ model provide opportunities to develop metacognitive skills in the science student-teachers studying in B.Ed. colleges of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan. For studying this objective researcher used Mixed-Method design of Convergent Parallel design. Researcher used Case Study method and exploratory method of qualitative approach and pre-test post-test single
group design of quantitative approach. 10 science student-teachers were taught through 5 ‘E’ model and their classroom activity were audio recorded. After each lesson one of the student were interviewed and all student were writing the reflection essay. These three kind of data were then triangulated. Metacognitive skills Inventory were administered before and after the programme. The quantitative data were analyzed through Wilcoxon Sign-Rank Test. The programme was of 10 weeks. The analysis of data suggest that constructivist approach (5 ‘E’ model) definitely provides greater opportunity for the development of metacognitive skills and different characteristics of metacognitive skills find expression during each stage of 5 ‘E’ model.

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