Year: 2013 | Month: December | Volume 4 | Issue 3

Classroom Practices in Rural Elementary Schools: A Case Study of an Elementary School in Odisha

DOI:Coming soon...


It is observed that teaching by the teachers does not bear any impact on the students. The constructive approach becomes a dream. Hence, the achievement of the students lags behind in comparison to the private schools. Here, the investigators have conducted a case study of an elementary school of Odisha to assess the classroom practices of an elementary school. Majority of the teachers reported that they introducing the lesson, particularly with reference to the use of various techniques such as telling a story, asking questions related to the previous knowledge of the pupils and showing pictures, diagrams and models, even by engaging the students in different activities rather than stating topics directly introduce the lesson. The teachers also explain the topic with the help of showing different pictures, models, and
diagrams to the learners and cited appropriate example and used dictionary. While discussing with the students, they said that their only cited examples in order to explain the topic and they did not show any pictures, models, and diagrams to them. The same was also observed by the observed by the investigator. The paper will present details of the study.

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