Year: 2013 | Month: December | Volume 4 | Issue 3

Academically Talented and Creatively Learning Disabled: How They differ on Achievement Motivation and Cognitive Style

DOI:Coming soon...


Gifted students with learning disabilities are becoming more prevalent in the education system. Students with these characteristics have been filtering through the system for years, but just now being noticed. Gifted students with learning disabilities excel in one area, while struggling in another. Educators commonly overlook their abilities, which deny these students the chance to reach their full potential. In this paper an attempt has been made to compare creatively learning disabled with academically talented children in relation to their Achievement Motivation, and Cognitive Style. This study was conducted on a represented sample 280 students of grade VI-VIII drawn from 500 schools of Bareilly and Pilibhit district of U.P, India. It is evident from the present study that academically talented students are more achievement motivated than creatively learning disabled and it was also observed that there is no significant difference on cognitive style between the two said groups.

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