Year: 2020 | Month: April | Volume 11 | Issue 1

Implementation Status of Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009 in Andhra Pradesh: An Empirical Analysis

A. Hari Krishna K. Ravi Teja K. Ravindra


The purpose of the present research is to examine out implementation status of Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009 in Andhra Pradesh. The study also embodied a sizeable primary data, which is collected by way of canvassing a questionnaire among selected respondents. The data was collected in public and private schools in two selected Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Based on the key indicators of elementary education, one dominated performed district and one meager performed district in Andhra Pradesh state were selected for sample of the study. According primary data analysis, the enrollment status is quite satisfactory under RTE regime while the pupil-teacher ratio is 1:11, which is not as per RTE norms. During RTE three is improvement in physical infrastructure and human resources, besides effective implementation of the Act is obligatory. The study reveals that majority of students responded positively regarding Teaching Learning – Quality Indicators and provisions. It is observed from the teacher’s response, majority of sample schools constituted School Management Committee and the schools management also satisfied with the functioning of School Management Committee. Majority of schools have held Parent-Teacher-Student (PTS) meetings and the frequency of PTS meetings is once in year. The RTE Act has met with success in achieving some of the goals with which it started in the year 2010. Many of the states have been successful in ensuring RTE recommendations. Besides the success of RTE Act, the present study has found gaps in elementary education after its implementation.

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