Year: 2024 | Month: April | Volume 15 | Issue 1

Exploring Early Childhood Care and Education in the Context of India’s National Education Policy-2020

Iram Sleem Malik Mohammad Hasan


The entire education system has evolved and transformed to meet societal demands. Transitions across the educational system are essential and natural because development is always accompanied by a willingness to adapt. The paper highlights the emerging patterns required to revamp the educational system and cope with contemporary issues. Children can acquire an assortment of abilities and attributes through education. As Krishnamurti so eloquently stated, Education never ends with the reading of
a book, clearing an exam, and then calling it quits. Instead, learning is a lifelong endeavor beginning from birth and continuing till death. The most significant educational policy of the twenty-first century is the National Education Policy 2020. Its main objective is to nurture individuals with strong ethical principles, as well as rational thinking and behavior, determination, resilience, empathy, compassion, and intellectual curiosity. The NEP’s determination to promote Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), which gradually gained recognition in national policy discussions, is remarkable. The recognition emphasizes how crucial it is to guarantee a successful education and achievement, which starts from the initial years of a child’s schooling. The objectives of the present article are to examine Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and its alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 framework, address the challenges involved in implementing ECCE under NEP 2020, and provide suggestions for increasing the standard of ECCE within the NEP 2020 framework. The analysis of secondary data from reputable sources is the study’s source of support. 

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