Year: 2014 | Month: April | Volume 5 | Issue 1
Secondary Education in India: An Analysis of Status and Accessibility
Educational development is a mean to achieve overall development in a country. It is a well-known fact that the human resource development cannot be possible without ensuring the spread of education among the masses. Secondary education serves as a link between the elementary and higher education, and plays a very important role in this respect. This paper explores the status of secondary education in India. It briefly presents the provisions made under schemes like RMSA for strengthening the secondaryschools in Indiatill the end of 11th five year plan.Though access in terms of availability in secondary schools is satisfactory, picture of provision of facilities in the secondary schools is bleak. Although enough number of teachers are available in secondary schools yet pupil teacher ratio is quite dismal. Further, the availability of trained teachers in secondary schools are the big issue.All data used in it have been taken from Secondary Education Management Information System (SEMIS) for the year 2009-10. This paper is divided into three sections. Introduction and development of secondary education is discussed in first section. In the second section access to Secondary Education is discussed. The third section embodies concluding remarks and policy implication.
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