Year: 2014 | Month: April | Volume 5 | Issue 1

Influence of Socio-Emotional School Climate on Level of Aspiration of Senior Secondary Students

DOI:Coming soon...


Socio-emotional school climate of an educational institution is a bridging concept between pupil and the school in which they study and is the perception of the structure, process and values by the students. Level of aspiration can be defined as a person’s expectations, goals or claims on his own future achievement in a given task. Research reports that socio –emotional climate of an organization influences motivational level of an individual. Keeping in view the interdependence between socio–emotional school climate and level of aspiration a study was under taken to fulfill the objectives which are (i) to explore the perception of socio-emotional school climate of the senior secondary school students, (ii) to study the level of aspiration of the senior secondary school students, (iii) to find out the difference between senior secondary boys and girls in their level of aspiration and socio-emotional school climate (iv) to find out the relationship between socio-emotional school climate and level of aspiration of senior secondary school students. The study was descriptive survey in nature. Collection of data was done
from 300 senior secondary school students of Amritsar district of Punjab. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. Data collection was done by using two standardized psychological tools. The study revealed that, socio-emotional school climate as perceived by the senior secondary school students does not influence their level of aspiration.

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