Year: 2014 | Month: April | Volume 5 | Issue 1

Supporting Inclusive Education Through ICT Implementation: An Intermediary Role

DOI:Coming soon...


Access to equal information and knowledge has become a social requirement and a fundamental aspect of human rights. Rapid developments of ICT bear huge potential of improving the quality of education for successful developments of students with special educational needs by advancing their social integration and increasing learning, as well as accessing learning. Moreover, effective use of ICTs can support a high quality training of teachers in the field of special education. The present study addresses the inclusive school principals and special education teachers’ attitudes towards ICT in their educational fields. The results show that there is a great need of using ICT learning environments for training school staff and improving the quality of education for disabled children. It is suggested that ICT can play an important role to improve learning quality and develop effective teaching and learning strategies that contribute to disabled children’s engagement in their learning process.

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