Education Quest is abstracted in
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  • Educational Research Abstracts(ERA)
  • Global Impact Factor: 0.565
  • Google Scholar
  • Index Copernicus
  • Indian Citation Index
  • Informit
  • Journalseek
  • LCN No: 1214323
  • Library of Congress
  • Library of Congress, Applied Sociology,Education
  • MIAR (ICDS)= 4.0
  • Microsoft Academic Search
  • ProQuest
  • Publons( Part of Web of Science)
  • Semantic Scholar
  • SSRN
  • Worldcat ( OCLC No: 897758631)
  • WZB- Berlin Social Science Center

@Educational Quest is an International Peer-Reviewed Journa(EQ)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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