Year: 2015 | Month: December | Volume 6 | Issue 3

Relationship between Brick and Mortar stores and m-commerce facilitates customers towards shopping online

DOI:Coming soon...


With m-commerce booming in India, numerous delivery-dark regions have been identified where even though the scope of m-commerce or e-commerce exists, delivery is close to impossible. The question arises of how m-commerce and e-commerce can tap this market segment to cater to the 75 million m-commerce ready consumers (Rau, 2011). The survey conducted for this study using 48 randomly selected consumers also clearly brought out that there lies a missing block to be filled, that can bring a lot many customers under the M-commerce umbrella. A unique payment mode other than the existing ones and delay in delivery are the main issues that need to be taken care of.Here’s where local brick and mortar stores can be turned into dealers and delivery drop off points for these inaccessible delivery-dark customers. The model works on “only cash” payment system which is preferable for people who do not trust the online payment system or may not be eligible for a credit or debit card. This model is simple and benefits all the three entities involved - the consumer, the brick and mortar store and, of course, the e-commerce / m-commerce site.

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