About the Journal

Educational Quest-An International Journal of Education and Applied Social Science, is a Double-Blind Peer-reviewed, Open Access Journal. It covers the broad areas of Social Science, Education and Rural Development. With its uniquely broad coverage, the journal offers readers free access to all new research issues relevant to Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, Psychology and others. Educational Quest Publishes regular Papers and special Issues on specific topics of Interest to international and national audience of educational researchers. All t More

Current Issue's

Strategic Partnering for Dissertation Development
Level of Stress among School Teachers: An Analytical Study More

Aim and Scope

Educational Quest is an International Peer-Reviewed, Open access journal. The Journal recognizes the multidisciplinary nature of its scope and encourages graduate students, scientists, research scholars and government and non-government organizations employees the submission of research material from all of the disciplines involved in Educational field. The main objective of this periodical is the dissemination of information relating to current research on all the aspects of Education and Applied Social Science. The journal is also focused to enhance the communication between the Social science community and


@Educational Quest is an International Peer-Reviewed Journa(EQ)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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