Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume 9 | Issue 3

Effective Use of ICT in Teacher Education for Inclusive Environment in Classroom

DOI:Coming soon...


The increasing awareness and growing emphasis on making “Education for all” a realizable dream has made the classrooms of twentieth century necessarily inclusive in nature where an attempt is made to teach the children with different abilities and varied cultural, economic and family backgrounds under the same roof and with equal access to facilities and opportunities. To address to such diversity in an equitable manner, technology is undisputedly playing a significant role. It is making the teachers equipped to handle day to day classroom situations in a better way through ICT tools and devices that have built and provided platforms to remove barriers (physical, technical, cultural, psychological etc.) to facilitate complete development of children. With technological advancements and increasing use of various digital resources, the various aspects of education such as teaching, learning, evaluation and feedback becomes far easier and quicker as compared to the traditional approaches. With the advent of specialized tools for the disabled or children with special needs as well as a wide range of apps and softwares, the services reach uninterruptedly to various strata of the society with ease. The current paper reflects on the integration of various technological tools and approaches in our classrooms for a more inclusive environment so that a teacher can cater to individual educational needs of children. The potential of ICT in providing access for all learners including the ones with special needs and ability to access the general education curriculum is being discussed in this paper. The objective of the paper is to make the teachers aware about how amalgamation of ICT can be done in classroom learning for better addressing of the problems of the students for them to overcome their inabilities.

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