Year: 2022 | Month: December | Volume 13 | Issue 3

A Study of Self-efficacy and Mental Health among Primary School Teachers

Mir Bashir Ahmad Mohd Shakir


This study aims to investigate the relationship of Self-efficacy and Mental Health among primary school teachers based on their gender (male and female), marital status (married and unmarried) and type of institution/locale (urban and rural). The sample comprised of 104 primary school teachers, among them there were 53 male teachers and 51 female teachers, 46 were married teachers and 58 were unmarried teachers, 47 teachers were from rural areas and 57 were from urban areas at primary school level. Teachers were asked to complete the Teacher Self-efficacy scale and Teacher Mental Health scale. The mean scores of the collected data were compared through t-test and Pearson correlation was also used to analyze the data. The results revealed that there is no significant difference between mean scores of Self-efficacy and Mental Health of primary school teachers on the basis of their gender and type of their institution but on the basis of their marital status there is a significant difference in the mean scores of Self-efficacy of married and unmarried primary school teachers where as the mean scores of Mental Health of married and unmarried primary school teachers have no significant difference. Further the result of Pearson correlation shows that there is no significant relationship between Self-efficacy and Mental Health of primary school teachers.

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